091: When You Feel Like You Don’t Belong in the World Around You - Lindo Bacon


Belonging is a basic biological human need and we all want to feel like part of a community. But in today’s world, there are so many people who are marginalized, alienated, othered, and oppressed by the world around them simply for being their true selves. The world doesn’t value or respect everyone equally, and that can lead to psychological and physiological damage on an individual and global scale.

Lindo Bacon joins me in this episode to talk about their new book, Radical Belonging. Lindo wrote this book to help give people strategies for living in a world in which they feel alienated or oppressed. Hear about the health impacts of not belonging and not being accepted, why belonging needs to become a part of mainstream conversation around health, and how you can cultivate inclusivity for those around you.

Tune into episode #91:

In this episode, Lindo and I discuss:

  • The premise of Lindo’s new book, Radical Belonging

  • Health impacts of feeling like you don’t belong or feeling alienated in the world, especially in the current pandemic

  • Strategies to live in a world that might not value you

  • Why and when coping mechanisms can be helpful and healthy

  • Lindo’s book Health at Every Size, and what they would change about it 12 years later

  • How the healthcare system marginalizes and dismisses people in larger bodies

  • Authenticity and when it becomes a privilege

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