109: When You’re Facing Weight Discrimination in the Fertility + Pregnancy World - Nicola Salmon

Weight stigma is a very real discrimination in today’s society and it’s also rampant in the medical world. So often, those in larger bodies are told to, or believe they have to, lose weight or “get healthy” before getting pregnant and aren’t given the tools or resources that would actually help them get pregnant. 

Nicola Salmon, Fat Positive Fertility Coach, joins us today to talk all things fat-positive fertility. This episode will help fat folks navigate getting pregnant in a weight-obsessed world and find their own version of health without diets. Nicola shares her own story of how she became pregnant with PCOS and talks about trusting your own body and seeking out the resources and care that you deserve, no matter your body size. 

(Note: When we use the descriptor “fat”, we’re not attaching any meaning to it. It’s simply a descriptor, no different than how “thin” or “funny” is used.)

Tune into episode #109:

In this episode, Nicola and I will cover:

  • How to advocate for change in how fat people are treated while accessing help for their fertility 

  • Relearning how to trust your body and believe in your own ability to get pregnant

  • Nicola’s journey with getting diagnosed with PCOS and being told she would never get pregnant

  • How her medical treatment as a teen in a larger body shaped her beliefs about herself later in life

  • Her experience with getting pregnant and having her kids

  • What helped her make the decision to not obsess about her weight anymore

  • Advise for people in larger bodies looking to get pregnant or help with fertility

  • The role that mindset plays in fertility and accepting your body

  • How intuitive eating can play a massive role in pregnancy 

  • Nicola’s Fat+ Fertility Network

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