108: Intuitive Eating Session #4: When You Want to Eat Mindfully But Are Stressed About Doing it Perfectly - Solo Episode


Eating mindfully has a lot of great benefits—but in the recent years, it’s been pitched as another diet plan that you need to do perfectly in order to see results. The reality is: that’s just not true. You don’t have to do it perfectly, and it’s not a diet plan to lose weight.

In our fourth Intuitive Eating Session, I’ll breakdown the benefits of mindful eating as well as how to approach it in a completely stress-free way. You’ll learn some practices to start trying and next steps that you can implement today to make mindful eating work for you.

Tune into episode #108:

In this Intuitive Eating Session, I will cover:

  • What mindful eating actually is—and why it’s NOT a diet or weight loss plan

  • Why mindful eating might seem unapproachable or stressful

  • Why I actually don’t recommend people practice mindful eating 24/7

  • Mindful eating strategies to try when you’re ready

  • Some of the benefits of mindful eating (hint: not weight loss)

  • Where to start if you’re interested in mindful eating but don’t want it to be a stressful experience

  • Questions to ask yourself after mindful eating to see how it worked for you

Episode Sponsor:

Do you obsessively think about food 24/7? Feel guilty for eating a bad food or putting a banana in your smoothie? try to follow a plan but fall off the wagon and “start fresh” every week? Avoid bringing junk food into the house for fear you’ll eat it all? You’re not alone, and the Intuitive Way For Eating course can help. This course will help you have a juicy and pleasurable relationship with food. If you’re ready to take the leap and stop letting food and body challenges rule your life, head to intuitivewayforeating.com to get on the fall session waitlist.

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