105: When You Reach Your Goals and Still Aren’t Happy - Aisha Beau Johnson


Imagine working your whole life for a job you dream of, for the job you’ve envisioned as your dream job after years of hard work - only to get there and realize, dang, this isn’t what I thought it would be. 

That’s what Aisha Beau Johnson experienced when she reached her goal job and then decided to pivot, quit her job, and start her life as a self-care writer for women of colour. Hear how she overcame her doubts and fears, empowered herself to take the leap of faith, and why representation is important for women of colour in the self-care industry. 

Tune into episode #105:

In this episode, Aisha and I discuss:

  • How her career of self-care for women of colour started

  • Why her dream job as a fashion publicist wasn’t all that dreamy 

  • Her motivation to take the leap of faith to work for herself 

  • Destination addiction and how it leads away from happiness

  • How to be present and find joy and happiness in the small things

  • How the self-care industry doesn’t speak to women of colour and why that needs to change

  • Why representation is so important 

  • Self-care strategies that don’t cost a dime 

  • How to support yourself as a woman of colour experiencing microaggressions

  • Aisha’s mental health journey with anxiety and PTSD and the stigma around taking medication 

  • Strategies to find joy and solace in tough times

Episode Sponsors:

Do you obsessively think about food 24/7? Feel guilty for eating a bad food or putting a banana in your smoothie? try to follow a plan but fall off the wagon and “start fresh” every week? Avoid bringing junk food into the house for fear you’ll eat it all? You’re not alone, and the Intuitive Way For Eating course can help. This course will help you have a juicy and pleasurable relationship with food. If you’re ready to take the leap and stop letting food and body challenges rule your life, head to intuitivewayforeating.com

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