This is your page where all of your newsletter homepage templates will live

Duplicate the Template titled “Homepage Newsletter Banner Template”

Make the necessary adjustments for the page name, url slug, etc.

When it duplicates, the new page will be outside of the index. Drag it back into “Homepage Newsletters” INDEX

Make your copy and form adjustments; Change the banner image (background); save changes

Move the page out of the “Homepage Newsletters” index into the “Home Layout” index AFTER the section called “Introduction”

{Ensure that you still have the template: “Homepage Newsletter Banner Template” page as part of the “Homepage Newsletters” index to continue duplicating in future}

Switching back to main Food Cravings Guide Opt-in

When you want to switch back to the Food Cravings Guide, drag it out of this index into the homepage, and place it after the section called introduction on the homepage. Drag back the previous opt-in back into the “Homepage Newsletters” index.


Heading 1

heading 2

heading 3

| Delete the entire content of this code block |
| enter the AC Form full code in place |
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Stop eating your feelings—start embracing them.

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Fear-Free Food Group Coaching Program

Starting on March 30th, learn how to bring the chips, chocolate, bread and ice cream into your house, enjoy it & move on – without the guilt, without obsessing, without willpower.

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