114: When You Think You Might Have Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) - Ashleigh Norris (@thesoulfulsprout)


Nearly all menstruating individuals know what PMS feels like--the bloating, cramping, and mood swings that come before your period arrives. But if you’re someone who experiences more extreme mental health related issues in the 2 weeks before your period, you may have something else called PMDD - or Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder. 1 in 20 menstruating individuals experience PMDD, and yet it’s rarely talked about. 

Ashleigh Norris of @thesoulfulsprout shares all her knowledge and insight about PMDD, including what lifestyle or supplement/medication options are available to help with this condition. If you experience severe anxiety, depression, irritability, hopelessness, sadness, and even suicidal thoughts and you think it might be related to PMDD, or if someone in your life is experiencing this, this episode is a must-listen. 

Tune into episode #114:

In this episode, Ashleigh and I chat about:

  • What PMDD is and how it’s different from PMS 

  • Symptoms to watch out for for PMDD 

  • Why PMDD is considered a mental health condition and how it was recently (2016) added to the DSM5

  • How someone might start to identify if they are experiencing PMDD 

  • Different options for someone who is diagnosed with PMDD--including supplements, lifestyle strategies, and Ashleigh’s thoughts on anti-depressants 

  • When the birth control pill might be the answer for someone with PMDD 

  • The two most important tools to access if you’re suffering from PMDD or any mental health condition

  • Ashleigh’s program, Mend Your Menstrual Cycle, and why every menstruating individual can benefit from it

  • The 3 most underrated supportive hormonal activities anyone can do today 

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Episode Resources:

Mental Health Hot Lines:

Canada Suicide Prevention Service at 1-833-456-4566 (24/7) or text 45645 (4 pm to 12 am ET).

Immediate Crisis Intervention for Indigenous People Call 1-855-242-3310 (toll-free). On request, telephone counseling is available in Cree, Ojibway, Inuktitut.

Kids Help Phone Call 1-800-668-6868 (toll-free) or text CONNECT to 686868.

Canada Drug Rehab and Addiction Services Recovery, at 1-877-746-1963

Assaulted Women's Helpline: 416 863-0511; Toll-free: 1 866 863-0511

USA 24-hr Mental Health Crisis Line 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or text MHA To 741741