063: How To Manage and Process Uncomfortable Emotions with Varvara Erochina


Last week I launched my NEW virtual emotional eating support program, The Break Free Method, which teaches a whole new way of looking at and managing emotional eating. One of the strategies I discuss in great depth in the course is the importance of learning how to sit with uncomfortable emotions, rather than flee them by turning to food. It’s something we aren’t really taught as kids. Fast forward to adulthood, and we’re thrown into a society filled with stressors and varying emotions left, right and centre without any idea as to how to cope or deal with them. 

Enter: Varvara Erochina; coach, teacher and lifelong student of embodiment. Varvara is formally trained in experiential psychotherapy, spiritual care and coaching. Varvara has spent the last thirteen years offering embodied emotional and spiritual support through one on one and group work, writing, teaching, ritual and facilitation.

In this episode we discuss:

  • The fear of sitting with emotions

  • Reframing emotions and feelings

  • How our emotions can be here for us

  • The influence white supremacy, race and gender have on our emotions 

  • The intensity of emotions lasting 90 seconds

  • Hot seat coaching: processing anger

  • Learning to sit with emotions to manage emotional eating 

  • How parents can positively support their kids in embracing their emotions

  • Nudity and embodiment